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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) European Geography Questions

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Grade 9 European Geography
What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
  1. Cardiff
  2. London
  3. Dublin
  4. Edinburgh
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the capital of Bulgaria?
  1. Istanbul
  2. Rome
  3. Sophia
  4. Budapest
Grade 9 European Geography
Which country is NOT part of the United Kingdom?
  1. Ireland
  2. England
  3. Scotland
  4. Wales
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the capital of Austria?
  1. Madrid
  2. Vienna
  3. Moscow
  4. Berlin
Grade 9 European Geography
Greece is a
  1. Island
  2. Peninsula
  3. Body of Water
  4. Flat land
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the currency of Switzerland?
  1. Franc
  2. Peso
  3. Dollar
  4. Euro
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the capital of Denmark?
  1. Oslo
  2. Berlin
  3. Helsinki
  4. Copenhagen
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
This is the largest coniferous forest in the world
  1. The Great Forest of Russia
  2. Taiga
  3. Decideous
  4. The Boolernchz
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the largest country in the world?
  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. United States
  4. Turkey
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the capital of Russia?
  1. Chernobyl
  2. St. Petersburg
  3. Moscow
  4. Novosibirsk
Grade 9 European Geography
The Danube river is on which continent?
  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. Europe
  4. Australia
Grade 9 European Geography
What is the currency of Albania?
  1. Lira
  2. Lek
  3. Ruble
  4. Peso
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography

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What are steppes?
  1. wooden stairs
  2. dry grasslands
  3. wet grasslands
  4. ancient climbing methods
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
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