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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Bodies of Water and Continents Questions

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Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Polynesia is part of what larger region in the Pacific Ocean?
  1. South Seas
  2. Micronesia
  3. Melanesia
  4. Oceania
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
On what river was the Aswan High Dam built?
  1. The Mississippi
  2. The Colorado
  3. The Nile
  4. The Rhine
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
South America is                            , with a population of around 387 million.
  1. 6th most populous continent
  2. 7th most populous continent
  3. 4th most populous continent
  4. 5th most populous continent
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
The longest river in the world.
  1. Nile River
  2. Amazon River
  3. Mississippi River
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
This is the longest river in the world.
  1. Yangtze
  2. Amazon
  3. Nile
  4. Mississippi
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Which three continents are larger than South America?
  1. Europe, North America, Asia
  2. Africa, Asia, North America
  3. Africa, Asia, Europe
  4. Asia, Australia, Antarctica
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 9 Bodies of Water and Continents
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