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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Physical Education Questions

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Grade 9 Basketball
Which player is usually the best dribbler on the team?
  1. Small forward
  2. Center
  3. Point guard
  4. Power forward
  5. Shooting guard
Grade 9 Pickleball
In pickleball, this is the only thing that can legally touch the net during play.
  1. ball
  2. paddle
  3. foot
  4. nothing can touch the net during play
Grade 9 Diet and Nutrition
Match the food to the correct category.
Fruit Vegetable Healthy Fat Carbohydrate
Sweet Potato
Mozzarella Cheese
Blue Cheese Crumbles
2% Milk
Red Pepper
Grade 9 Diet and Nutrition
The body's rate of energy use at rest
  1. basal metabolic rate
  2. hunger
  3. appetite
  4. body mass index
Grade 9 Flag Football
In flag football, a lateral is a pass that is thrown                                    .
  1. like a pass but underhand
  2. overhand but sideways
  3. underhand but sideways or backwards
  4. like a pass but backwards
Grade 9 Diet and Nutrition
A ratio of a person's weight to height
  1. basal metabolic rate
  2. hunger
  3. appetite
  4. body mass index
Grade 9 Diet and Nutrition
Healthiest type of fat
  1. saturated fat
  2. polyunsaturated fat
  3. trans fat
  4. monounsaturated fat
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