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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Vocational Education Questions

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Grade 9 Culinary Skills
When following a recipe, this is the most helpful practice to acquire.
  1. don't preheat oven in advance
  2. only read one step at a time
  3. be creative with suggested equipment
  4. carefully read the recipe through twice
Grade 9 Engineering Technology
What is the application of science called?
  1. technology
  2. latitude
  3. scientific law
  4. theory
Grade 9 Business Technology
Grade 9 Business Technology
Before printing a document, you should:
  1. spell check.
  2. proofread.
  3. grammar check.
  4. All of the above
Grade 9 Business Technology
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
How should you hold a knife?
  1. hold knife handle with one hand and the food item with the other with tucked in fingers
  2. hold knife handle with one hand and the blade with the other
  3. hold knife handle with one hand and use your fingers to guide the blade
  4. hold knife handle with one hand, relax your other hand by your side
Grade 9 Engineering Technology
What is a factor that limits or restricts a design?
  1. technology
  2. prototype
  3. trade-off
  4. constraint
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
How do you walk safely with a knife?
  1. hold knife facing up with the blade on a slight angle
  2. hold knife facing out and on a slight angle
  3. hold knife facing down and on a slight angle
  4. hold knife by the blade and on a slight angle
Grade 9 Business Technology
Grade 9 Kitchen Equipment and Tools
What is a serrated knife?
  1. A knife with a zig-zag edge that is used to cut bread with.
  2. A long knife with a smooth blade.
  3. A small knife used for cutting herbs.
  4. A small knife used for cutting small ingredients.
Grade 9 Business Technology
Grade 9 Business Technology
Where should your feet be when you're sitting at your desk?
  1. Stretched out in front of you.
  2. Flat on the floor.
  3. Dangling above the floor.
  4. Any of the above.
Grade 9 Kitchen Equipment and Tools
What is a paring knife?
  1. A knife that you cut pears with.
  2. A small knife that is used to peel and cut small ingredients with.
  3. A knife that is used to cut meat.
  4. A knife that is large and used to cut bread with.
Grade 9 Culinary Math
A measuring system used throughout most of the world is called:
  1. Metric System
  2. Customary System
  3. Euro System
  4. International Measuring System
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