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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) European Geography Questions

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Grade 6 European Geography
What separates Europe from Asia?
  1. Ural Mountains
  2. The Red Sea
  3. The Rhine
  4. The Alps
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the longest European River?
  1. Seine
  2. Volga
  3. Tiber
  4. Danube
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the southern border of Northern Europe?
  1. Baltic Sea
  2. Thames River
  3. Caspian Sea
  4. Pyrenees Mountains
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the capital of Scotland?
  1. Perth
  2. Glasgow
  3. Aberdeen
  4. Edinburgh
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the smallest European country?
  1. Andora
  2. Monaco
  3. Vatican City
  4. Liechtenstein
Grade 6 European Geography
Which country is not part of Central Europe?
  1. Austria
  2. France
  3. Poland
  4. Hungary
Grade 6 European Geography
Which island nation is not a Commonwealth Realm?
  1. Jamaica
  2. Barbados
  3. Saint Martin
  4. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 European Geography

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Which of the following are included in Great Britain?
  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Wales
  4. all the above
Grade 6 European Geography
A name to people from England, Spain, Portugal, and France?
  1. Americans
  2. English
  3. Scandinavian
  4. European
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