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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) African Geography Questions

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Grade 6 African Geography
Which country is completely surrounded by South Africa?
  1. Lesotho
  2. Swaziland
  3. Mauritania
  4. Burkina Faso
Grade 6 African Geography
The four major geographical regions found in Africa are:
  1. desert, savanna, semiarid & tropical rainforest
  2. grasses, mountains, valleys & hills
  3. hot, cold,wet & dry
  4. rivers, lakes, marsh & deltas
Grade 6 African Geography
What body of water is located on the west coast of Africa?
  1. Red Sea
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Indian Ocean
  4. Arctic Ocean
Grade 6 African Geography
Africa's largest lake is
  1. Lake Huron
  2. Lake Mutanda
  3. Lake Zambia
  4. Lake Victoria
Grade 6 African Geography
Grade 6 African Geography
Which river runs through the Sahara?
  1. Amazon
  2. Mississippi
  3. Nile
  4. Yellow
Grade 6 African Geography
Crops grown in Ethiopia include
  1. coconuts, apples, potatoes & peanuts
  2. guavas, tobacco, lemons & figs
  3. bananas, coffee, dates & oats
  4. corn, sunflowers, grain & oats
Grade 6 African Geography
Grade 6 African Geography
Grade 6 African Geography
The Sahara and the Nile are located in
  1. South America
  2. Africa
  3. Asia
  4. Europe
Grade 6 African Geography
The biggest island off Africa is                
  1. Comoros
  2. Seychelles
  3. Canary Islands
  4. Madagascar
Grade 6 African Geography
Grade 6 African Geography
Some of the ungulates found within the tropical rainforest are,
  1. pigs, sheep & goats
  2. horses, cattle & deer
  3. deer, boars & ox
Grade 6 African Geography
In the desert summer temperatures can
  1. vary greatly
  2. be between 100-140 degrees (F)
  3. be between 60-80 degrees (F)
  4. fall below freezing
Grade 6 African Geography

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The four major geographical regions found in Africa are:
  1. desert, savanna, semiarid & tropical rainforest
  2. grasses, mountains, valleys & hills
  3. hot, cold,wet & dry
  4. rivers, lakes, marsh & deltas
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