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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) African Geography Questions

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Grade 7 African Geography
What is largest lake in Africa?
  1. Lake Kilimanjaro
  2. Lake Atlas
  3. Lake Victoria
  4. Lake Sahel
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Egypt?
  1. Cairo
  2. Algiers
  3. Tripoli
  4. Tunis
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Kenya?
  1. Maputo
  2. Maseru
  3. Nairobi
  4. Mombasa
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the largest desert in the world?
  1. Sahara
  2. Arabian
  3. Kalahari
  4. Gobi
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Algeria?
  1. Fez
  2. Tunis
  3. Algiers
  4. Ouagadougou
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Ethiopia?
  1. Rabat
  2. Conakry
  3. Porto-Novo
  4. Addis Ababa
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Somalia?
  1. Harare
  2. Dodoma
  3. Kampala
  4. Mogadishu
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Cameroon?
  1. Asmara
  2. Banjul
  3. Yaoundé
  4. Cameroon City
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Libya?
  1. Kigali
  2. Tripoli
  3. Benghazi
  4. Windhoek
Grade 7 African Geography
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Botswana?
  1. Bissau
  2. Kinshasa
  3. Gaborone
  4. Addis Ababa
Grade 7 African Geography
What is the capital of Guinea?
  1. Abuja
  2. Bissau
  3. Conakry
  4. Antananarivo
Grade 7 African Geography
Grade 7 African Geography
Grade 7 African Geography
Luanda is the capital of which country?
  1. Benin
  2. Angola
  3. Nigeria
  4. Zimbabwe
Grade 7 African Geography
Grade 7 African Geography
Lilongwe is which country's capital?
  1. Benin
  2. Eritrea
  3. Malawi
  4. South Sudan
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