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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) North American Geography Questions

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Grade 7 Canadian Geography
Grade 7 US Geography
What is the longest river in the United States?
  1. Missouri River
  2. Nile Rile
  3. Mississippi River
  4. Colorado River
Grade 7 US Geography
What is the capital of South Carolina?
  1. Columbia
  2. Charleston
  3. Durham
  4. Atlanta
Grade 7 US Geography
American Samoa, a United States territory, is part of
  1. Micronesia
  2. Papa New Guinea
  3. Polynesia
  4. Melenesia
Grade 7 North American Geography
Region along the gulf of Mexico and the east coast of North America
  1. Atlantic Coastal Plain
  2. Climate
  3. Appalachian Mountains
  4. Central Lowlands
Grade 7 US Geography
The land between Iowa and the Rocky Mountains is called
  1. Oregon Trail
  2. Bill of Rights
  3. Great Plains
Grade 7 North American Geography
Which of these lakes is the largest freshwater lake in Central America?
  1. Lake Michigan
  2. Lake Murray
  3. Lake Hartwell
  4. Lake Nicaragua
Grade 7 US Geography
Grade 7 US Geography
What state is Harrisburg the capital of?
  1. Ohio
  2. Iowa
  3. Wyoming
  4. Pennsylvania
Grade 7 US Geography
Grade 7 US Geography
What state is Austin the capital of?
  1. Arizona
  2. Montana
  3. Rhode Island
  4. Texas
Grade 7 US Geography
What is the capital of Maryland?
  1. Baltimore
  2. Ocean City
  3. Annapolis
  4. Cumberland
Grade 7 North American Geography
What mountain range stretches from Alabama, in the United States, to Quebec,in Canada?
  1. Rocky Mountains
  2. Appalachian Mountains
  3. Smoky Mountains
  4. Himalayas
Grade 7 US Geography
What is the longest river in the United States?
  1. Gulf of Mexico
  2. Nile Rile
  3. Mississippi River
  4. Colorado River
Grade 7 US Geography
What is the capital of Illinois?
  1. Chicago
  2. St. Louis
  3. Rockford
  4. Springfield
Grade 7 US Geography
The following State DOES NOT surround Texas
  1. Alabama
  2. Oklahoma
  3. Arkansas
  4. Louisiana
Grade 7 US Geography
Grade 7 US Geography
What is the capital of Montana?
  1. Helena
  2. Boise
  3. New York City
  4. Billings
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