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Third Grade (Grade 3) North American Geography Questions

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Grade 3 US Geography
What is New York's nickname?
  1. The Empire State
  2. The Granite State
  3. The Apple State
Grade 3 US Geography
What is Pennsylvania's nickname?
  1. The Buckeye State
  2. The Vounteer State
  3. The Keystone State
Grade 3 US Geography
What is Virginia's nickname?
  1. The First State
  2. The Empire State
  3. The Old Dominion State
Grade 3 US Geography
What is the largest state in the United States by land area?
  1. Texas
  2. Alaska
  3. California
Grade 3 US Geography
What is Texas' nickname?
  1. Big Sky State
  2. Lone Star State
  3. Panhandle State
  4. Old Dominion State
Grade 3 US Geography
Which state shares a border with Canada but no other U.S. state?
  1. Maine
  2. Alaska
  3. North Dakota
Grade 3 US Geography
Rhode Island is the smallest state by land area.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
The Mississippi River is the widest river in the United States.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
The United States borders all of the Great Lakes.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 North American Geography
What three countries are in North America?
  1. Canada, United States and Mexico
  2. Mexico, Canada and Spain
  3. North America, Canada, United States
  4. England, Spain, Cananda
Grade 3 US Geography
Which US region is the largest?
  1. West
  2. Northeast
  3. Southeast
  4. Southwest
Grade 3 North American Geography
I live on the continent of                   [North America]                  
Grade 3 US Geography
I live in the country of the                              [United States of America]                             
Grade 3 US Geography
The state of Florida is what kind of landform?
  1. Mountain range
  2. Peninsula
  3. Hill
  4. Island
Grade 3 US Geography
The Continental Divide follows the Mississippi River.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
Which US region is smallest?
  1. Southeast
  2. Northeast
  3. Midwest
  4. Southwest
Grade 3 US Geography
New Jersey's nickname is the "         Garden                         State".
Grade 3 US Geography
What is the longest mountain range in the United States?
  1. Andes
  2. Rockies
  3. Appalachians
Grade 3 US Geography
What type of tree gives Ohio its nickname?
  1. elm
  2. hickory
  3. buckeye
  4. paw-paw
Grade 3 US Geography
Which landform makes it possible for people in the Western region to enjoy snow skiing?
  1. plateau
  2. desert
  3. mountain
  4. cayon
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