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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) North American Geography Questions

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Grade 8 US Geography
The Capital of our country is named after...
  1. George Washington
  2. Thomas Jefferson
  3. Henry Knox
  4. Barack Obama
Grade 8 US Geography
What is the capital of Connecticut?
  1. Harbor
  2. Hartford
  3. Boston
  4. Lewiston
Grade 8 US Geography
The capital of Florida is
  1. Arlington
  2. Hartford
  3. Tallahassee
  4. Texas
Grade 8 US Geography
What is the capital of Hawaii?
  1. Honduras
  2. Honolulu
  3. Boston
  4. Detroit
Grade 8 US Geography
All of the following states are part of the South EXCEPT
  1. Virginia
  2. New York
  3. South Carolina
  4. Georgia
Grade 8 US Geography
The capital of Georgia is
  1. Columbus
  2. Bangor
  3. Biloxi
  4. Atlanta
Grade 8 US Geography
Grade 8 US Geography
Circle the waterway that is within the country of United States
  1. Ohio River
  2. River Ribble
  3. Bell River
  4. Orange River
Grade 8 US Geography
The capital of Delaware is.
  1. Dover
  2. Muncie
  3. Delta
  4. Auburn
Grade 8 US Geography
What is Louisiana's state capital?
  1. New Orleans
  2. Baton Rouge
  3. Lafayette
  4. St. Martinville
Grade 8 US Geography
What is the capital of Idaho?
  1. Arlington
  2. Haiti
  3. Boise
  4. Mobile
Grade 8 US Geography

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The archipelago that extends off the west coast of Alaska is                      .
  1. The Caribbean Islands
  2. Hawaii
  3. The Aleutian Islands
  4. The Alaskan Panhandle
Grade 8 US Geography
The largest body of water affecting Louisiana is the
  1. Mississippi River.
  2. Gulf of Mexico.
  3. Atchafalaya River.
  4. Red River,
Grade 8 Canadian Geography
Grade 8 Canadian Geography
Grade 8 US Geography
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