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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Geography Questions

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Grade 8 Asian Geography
Grade 8 Map Components
Someone who makes maps is a
  1. cartographer.
  2. geologist.
  3. anthropologist.
Grade 8 Geography
What is true about the "Ring of Fire?"
  1. The seasons of Earth are reversed at this location.
  2. There is only one season at this location, hot and very dry.
  3. Major tectonic activity occurs at many locations along this zone.
  4. Volcanic activity is located only in the southern portion of this zone.
Grade 8 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 8 Latin American Geography
What language do most Brazilians speak?
  1. Spanish
  2. Portuguese
  3. French
  4. English
Grade 8 Asian Geography
What natural barrier separated India from China?
  1. Mediterranean Sea
  2. Red Sea
  3. Ural Mountains
  4. Himalayan Mountains
Grade 8 Asian Geography
What is the capital of North Korea?
  1. Pyongyang
  2. Seoul
  3. Pyeongchang
  4. Kimchaek
Grade 8 Latin American Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 Bodies of Water and Continents
Most of Earth's freshwater is in
  1. polar ice caps.
  2. oceans.
  3. rivers, lakes, and streams.
  4. vapor in the atmosphere.
Grade 8 Latin American Geography
What is the longest continuing mountain range in the world?
  1. Rocky Mountains
  2. Allegheny Mountains
  3. Andes Mountains
  4. Smokey Mountains
Grade 8 Australian Geography
What is the capital of Australia?
  1. Melbourne
  2. Canberra
  3. Perth
  4. Brisbane
Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
Which building in the Vatican is also the largest church in the world?
  1. Sistine Chapel
  2. Castel Sant'Angelo
  3. Saint Peter's Basilica
  4. Church of San Pellegrino
Grade 8 European Geography
Which microstate is completely surrounded by Italy?
  1. Andorra
  2. Saint Lucia
  3. San Marino
  4. Liechtenstein
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