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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) World History Questions

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Grade 8 Exploration
Who was the first explorer to attempt to circumnavigate the globe?
  1. Hernando de Soto
  2. Curious George
  3. Vasco da Gama
  4. Ferdinand Magellan
Grade 8 Exploration
Who was the French explorer that explored the St. Lawrence region of Canada?
  1. Jacques Cartier
  2. Giovanni Verrazano
  3. Henando de Soto
  4. Samuel de Champlain
Grade 8 Industrial Revolution
Grade 8 WWI
Grade 8 WWI
Grade 8 French Revolution
The Treaty of Versailles ended which war?
  1. World War I
  2. World War II
  3. Algerian War
  4. Franco-Prussian War
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
What was the name of the Aztec capital city?
  1. Texcoco
  2. Tlacopan
  3. Purepecha
  4. Tenochtitlan
Grade 8 World History
What was the main cause of the Franco-Mexican War?
  1. Territorial disputes
  2. Religious conflicts
  3. Mexico’s refusal to pay its foreign debt
  4. France’s desire to colonize Mexico
Grade 8 WWII
Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain?
  1. Winston Churchill
  2. Neville Chamberlain
  3. Clement Attlee
  4. Anthony Eden
Grade 8 WWI
The Archduke was from which country?
  1. England
  2. Germany
  3. Belgium
  4. Austria-Hungary
Grade 8 WWII
The Battle of Britain took place during which war?
  1. World War I
  2. World War II
  3. Cold War
  4. Korean War
Grade 8 Industrial Revolution
Who invented the steamboat?
  1. Robert Fulton
  2. Eli Whitney
  3. Elizabeth Stanton
  4. Samuel Morse
Grade 8 World History
How is the end of the Franco-Mexican War commemorated in Mexico?
  1. As Cinco de Mayo
  2. As Día de la Independencia
  3. As Día de la Revolución
  4. It is not specifically commemorated
Grade 8 World History
What happened to the French puppet emperor at the end of the Franco-Mexican War?
  1. He was exiled to France
  2. He abdicated and lived the rest of his life in Mexico
  3. He was executed by firing squad
  4. He became the legitimate ruler of Mexico
Grade 8 World History
Grade 8 World History
Who was the French leader during the Franco-Mexican War?
  1. Napoleon Bonaparte
  2. Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon III)
  3. Charles de Gaulle
  4. François Hollande
Grade 8 World History
Who was the opposing general against Charles Latrille de Lorencez in the Battle of Puebla?
  1. Benito Juárez
  2. Ignacio Zaragoza
  3. Porfirio Díaz
  4. Antonio López de Santa Anna
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