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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) European Geography Questions

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Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
Which building in the Vatican is also the largest church in the world?
  1. Sistine Chapel
  2. Castel Sant'Angelo
  3. Saint Peter's Basilica
  4. Church of San Pellegrino
Grade 8 European Geography
Which microstate is completely surrounded by Italy?
  1. Andorra
  2. Saint Lucia
  3. San Marino
  4. Liechtenstein
Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
What country is the smallest island nation?
  1. Tonga
  2. Nauru
  3. Grenada
  4. Marshall Islands
Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
Correctly identify the official language of Ireland
  1. English
  2. Italian
  3. Mandarin
  4. Sepedi
Grade 8 European Geography
Circle the waterway that is within the country of Germany
  1. Sikkim River
  2. Tiber River
  3. Korean Strait
  4. Rhine River
Grade 8 European Geography
Grade 8 European Geography
Identify the official language of France
  1. Mandarin
  2. Indian
  3. Italian
  4. French
Grade 8 European Geography
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