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Third Grade (Grade 3) Themes of Geography Questions

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Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What is one way in which people adapt to the environment?
  1. They wear warm or lightweight clothing
  2. They recycle fuels
  3. They preserve natural resources
  4. They make a reservoir
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
A large land area that has similar features.
  1. Region
  2. Resource
  3. Flood
  4. Canal
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What does adapt mean?
  1. changing to suit the environment
  2. when someone comes to live with you
  3. to become extinct
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
I live in the              [Northern]             Hemisphere.
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
I live on the planet           [Earth]          ]
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
I live in the country of the                              [United States of America]                             
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
A city is a large urban community.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What is the imaginary line that runs around the world from left to right and divides the globe into the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?
  1. Equator
  2. Prime Meridian
  3. globe
  4. map
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
Imaginary line that runs from the North pole to the south pole. It divides Earth into western Hemisphere and eastern Hemisphere
  1. Equator
  2. Border Line
  3. Prime Meridian
  4. Physical Geography
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
I live in the county of            [Morris]           
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
I live in the state of                [New Jersey]               
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
A community is a group of people who share a special connection.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What are some ways that people can affect the environment?
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
The Prime Meridian is located at 0 degrees Longitude.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
How do people modify the environment to meet their needs?
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What is the difference between absolute location and relative location?
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
A region is an area with no features that are the same.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
Give an example of each of the five themes.
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What is the difference between absolute and relative location?
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
How do rivers help bring life to cities and farms?
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