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Second Grade (Grade 2) Themes of Geography Questions

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Grade 2 Themes of Geography
Location tells where something can be found.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
A group of places that have something in common.
  1. Contribution
  2. Region
  3. Environment
  4. Transportation
  5. Plant Life
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
What is the name of the imaginary line that runs north and south in the middle of the world map?
  1. Prime Meridian
  2. Longitude
  3. Legend
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
A                 is a community just outside of a city.
  1. neighborhood
  2. suburb
  3. ancestor
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
           Absolute            location tells the EXACT spot where something is. 265 Hooker Avenue is an example of this type of location.
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
An address tells you how many people go to your school.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
The               is an imaginary line that divides Earth in half.
  1. equator
  2. globe
  3. map
  4. continent
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
What is not a natural resource?
  1. land
  2. water
  3. plastic
  4. air
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
                is something in nature that people use.
  1. mountain
  2. natural resource
  3. environment
  4. ridge
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
A                 is an area that has some shared natural or human feature that sets it apart from other areas.
  1. river
  2. region
  3. valley
  4. state
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
                is a way of moving people or goods from one place to another.
  1. History
  2. Tradition
  3. Transportation
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
A                 has many different neighborhoods.
  1. suburb
  2. community
  3. tradition
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
What is a region?
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
What does transportation mean?
  1. A way of moving things from one place to another.
  2. using science to make things better.
  3. cars
  4. technology that makes things go faster.
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
           Relative            location tells where something is by comparing it to another thing. We use words like above, next to and below.
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
People change their environment or where they live                                                                .
  1. to get what they need
  2. to have fun
  3. to mess up things
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
                 transportation                  is any way of moving things or people from one place to another
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
Regions are made up of areas that share something. How is a park a region?
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
List 2 reasons why an immigrant might leave their country to go live in another country.
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