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Themes of Geography Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Grade 5 Themes of Geography
A movement of people from one place to another.
  1. motivate
  2. migration
  3. artifact
  4. evidence
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
A group of places that share a common feature is a
  1. climate
  2. region
  3. location
  4. culture
Grade 4 Themes of Geography
Which of the following is NOT one of the themes of geography?
  1. Climate
  2. Location
  3. Movement
  4. Human Environment Interaction
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
If I cut down a tree I am displaying what theme of geography?
  1. Human Environment Interaction
  2. Place
  3. Region
  4. Government
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
The location of a place in relation to another place is called
  1. Absolute location
  2. Region
  3. Relative Location
  4. Human-Environment Interaction
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Grade 3 Themes of Geography
What is one way in which people adapt to the environment?
  1. They wear warm or lightweight clothing
  2. They recycle fuels
  3. They preserve natural resources
  4. They make a reservoir
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Relative location is
  1. the hemisphere in which a place is located.
  2. the description of a place using the relation of one place to another.
  3. the coordinates at which a place is located.
  4. the mailing address of a location.
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
To what does human-environment interaction refer?
  1. to the physical and human characteristics of a place
  2. to the way people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another
  3. to the way people use and change their surrounding offer
  4. to the climate of an area
Grade 9 Themes of Geography
A strip of land surrounded on three sides by water.
  1. island
  2. peninsula
  3. valley
  4. plateau
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
What unit is used to measure lines of longitude?
  1. hour
  2. percentage
  3. degrees
  4. centimetre
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Which are useful for measuring position north or south of the equator?
  1. lines of latitude
  2. lines of longitude
  3. index contours
  4. map legends
Grade 7 Themes of Geography
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