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Second Grade (Grade 2) Economics Questions

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Grade 2 Economics
When you get your hair cut you are paying for a service.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Economics

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To bring things into your country from another country is called                .
  1. Barter
  2. Trade
  3. Import
  4. Export
Grade 2 Economics
What is the study of the way we use goods and money?
  1. geography
  2. economics
  3. history
  4. culture
Grade 2 Economics
A service is                                    .
  1. a thing you can touch.
  2. whether a thing is worth the price.
  3. a thing a person does for you.
  4. a problem.
Grade 2 Economics
A good is                               .
  1. a thing you can touch.
  2. a thing you can hear.
  3. a thing a person does for you.
  4. a thing you do for money.
Grade 2 Economics
Things that people make or grow and sell are called
  1. maps
  2. newspapers
  3. goods
Grade 2 Economics
Name three kinds of transportation that move goods?
  1. Trucks, balloons, planes
  2. ships, cars, buses
  3. kites, trains, ships
Grade 2 Economics

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Sending things to another country is called                .
  1. Barter
  2. Trade
  3. Export
  4. Import
Grade 2 Economics
Labor is                                  .
  1. something someone does for money.
  2. something someone does for fun.
  3. a thing you can touch.
  4. whether the cost is worth it.
Grade 2 Economics
NEEDS are:
  1. things that we like
  2. things we must have to live
  3. things that people make or grow
Grade 2 Economics
Consumer is someone who buys and uses goods.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Economics
Things that are made or grown are                ?
  1. goods
  2. nouns
  3. consumer
  4. evaportion
Grade 2 Economics
Bartering means to
  1. trade
  2. borrow
  3. share
Grade 2 Economics
What is the difference between goods and services?

                are things people make and grow; they are things we can touch or hold.
                are actions; things people do for others.
  1. Services, Goods
  2. Goods, Services
Grade 2 Economics
What is the difference between a want and a need?
                are things we can't live without, and a                 are things we do not need to live.
  1. Needs, want
  2. Wants, need
Grade 2 Economics
This money pays for schools, roads and people who work in our community.
  1. tax
  2. factory
  3. transportation
  4. goods
Grade 2 Economics
A consumer is a person who buys or uses food or other products.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Economics
A Natural Resource is a material found in nature that we use to make goods
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Economics
Which is a Human Resource?
  1. A secretary
  2. Trees
  3. Schools
  4. Library
Grade 2 Economics
The students made popcorn to sell at the fair. The popcorn is a                .
  1. good
  2. barter
  3. service
  4. money
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