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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Economics Questions

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Grade 12 Economics
Profits from stocks would be taxable under what type of tax?
  1. income tax
  2. property tax
  3. investment tax
  4. capital gains tax
Grade 12 Economics
What is the term given for a company putting shares on the stock market for the first time?
  1. stock options
  2. equity portfolio
  3. initial public offering
  4. corporate diversification
Grade 12 Economics
Grade 12 Economics
Grade 12 Economics
The invisible barrier that prevents women from advancing in the workplace is known as what?
  1. the glass slipper
  2. the gender divide
  3. the glass ceiling
  4. the discrimination wall
Grade 12 Economics
Grade 12 Economics
Grade 12 Economics
A trade-off is
  1. the extra cost of adding one unit.
  2. the alternatives we give up when we choose one action over another.
  3. a process in which you compare what you will give up and gain from an action.
  4. the money a person makes.
Grade 12 Economics
The government has the greatest degree of involvement in which of the following?
  1. Traditional Economy
  2. Command Economy
  3. Capitalist Economy
  4. Socialistic Economy
Grade 12 Economics
What is scarcity?
  1. When an unlimited amount of goods and services are available to meet limited wants and needs
  2. When a limited amount of goods and services are available to meet unlimited wants and needs
  3. When a limited amount of goods and services are available to meet limited wants and needs
  4. When an unlimited amount of goods and services are available to meet unlimited wants and needs
Grade 12 Economics
Goods used in place of one another are
  1. inferior goods.
  2. complements.
  3. substitutes.
  4. normal goods.
Grade 12 Economics
When quantity supplied is more than quantity demanded
  1. Equilibrium
  2. Shortage
  3. Surplus
  4. Minimum
Grade 12 Economics
Which of the following correctly describes a traditional economy?
  1. Buyers and sellers decide what to produce.
  2. The U.S. is an example of a traditional economy.
  3. The basic economic questions are answered based on ritual, habit or custom.
  4. A central planning authority decides what goods and services to produce and how to produce them.
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