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Second Grade (Grade 2) US History Questions

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Grade 2 Civil Rights
On what date was Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated?
  1. April 16, 1659
  2. April 5, 2011
  3. January 09, 1966
  4. April 4, 1968
  5. May 22, 2003
Grade 2 Civil Rights
What sport did Jackie Robinson play?
  1. baseball
  2. soccer
  3. basketball
  4. hockey
Grade 2 Colonial Period
In which state was George Washington born?
  1. Pennsylvania
  2. Virginia
  3. Georgia
  4. Maryland
Grade 2 US History
How many stripes does the American flag have?
  1. 50
  2. 45
  3. 13
  4. 30
Grade 2 Colonial Period
Tomochichi gave his land to James Oglethorpe to build a city in which location in Georgia?
  1. Macon
  2. Savannah
  3. Atlanta
  4. Athens
Grade 2 The Presidents
Who was the first president of the United States?
  1. George Washington
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Adam Smith
Grade 2 American Revolution
America and                fought in the Revolutionary War.
  1. Colonies
  2. President Obama
  3. America
  4. Great Britain
Grade 2 Modern Era
What magazine did Norman Rockwell paint covers for?
  1. The New York Times
  2. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
  3. Washington Post
  4. Saturday Evening Post
Grade 2 Civil Rights
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. went to college to become which of the following?
  1. Teacher
  2. Librarian
  3. Fireman
  4. Minister
Grade 2 Colonial Period
James Oglethorpe was born in
  1. Georgia
  2. England
  3. South Carolina
Grade 2 American Revolution
What was the name of one of the first people to be killed while gaining independence from Britain (during the Boston Massacre)?
  1. Samuel Adams
  2. Paul Revere
  3. George Washington
  4. Crispus Attucks
Grade 2 American Revolution
The war that the colonists gained their independence was called the
  1. The War of 1776
  2. Civil War
  3. American Revolution
  4. The Vietnam War
Grade 2 American Revolution
What is another name for the Fourth of July?
  1. Labor Day
  2. Independence Day
  3. Flag Day
  4. Liberty Bell Day
Grade 2 Immigration
An immigrant is a person who leaves one country to live in another country.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 The Frontier
How did the very first pioneers travel?
  1. cars
  2. planes
  3. wagons
  4. bikes
Grade 2 Colonial Period
Tomochichi was the chief of which Indian tribe?
  1. Yamacraw
  2. Cherokee
  3. Navajo
  4. Sioux
Grade 2 American Revolution
What special bell rang out on July 8, 1776, to proclaim liberty?
  1. the Liberia Bell
  2. the Free Bell
  3. the Lamb Bell
  4. the Liberty Bell
Grade 2 US History
How many stars did the first flag have?
  1. 50
  2. 40
  3. 5
  4. 13
Grade 2 The Frontier
What was the large animal that lived on the prairies and provided fresh meat for the pioneers?
  1. duck
  2. horse
  3. buffalo
  4. dog
Grade 2 US History
Which patriotic holiday honors Americans who died to protect our freedoms?
  1. Memorial Day
  2. Flag Day
  3. Washington's birthday
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