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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Latin American Geography Questions

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Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Argentina?
  1. La Paz
  2. Parimaribo
  3. Buenos Aires
  4. Montevideo
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Peru?
  1. Lima
  2. Cuzco
  3. Sucre
  4. Quito
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Brazil?
  1. Rio de Janeiro
  2. Brazzaville
  3. Sao Paulo
  4. Brasília
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Chile?
  1. San Martin
  2. Santiago
  3. Quito
  4. Sucre
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Paraguay?
  1. Brasília
  2. Asunción
  3. Georgetown
  4. Encarnación
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
The capital of Uruguay is                .
  1. Caracus
  2. Asunción
  3. Guayaquil
  4. Montevideo
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Belize?
  1. Quito
  2. Managua
  3. Belmopan
  4. San Salvador
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Which country's capital is Managua?
  1. Belize
  2. Mexico
  3. Honduras
  4. Nicaragua
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Caracas is the capital of which country?
  1. Chile
  2. Brazil
  3. Columbia
  4. Venezuela
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
What is the capital of Costa Rica?
  1. San Juan
  2. Belmopan
  3. San Jose
  4. Managua
Grade 7 Latin American Geography
Tegucigalpa is the capital of what country?
  1. Belize
  2. Panama
  3. Honduras
  4. Nicaragua
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