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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Asian Geography Questions

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Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of China?
  1. Guangzhou
  2. Chengdu
  3. Shanghai
  4. Beijing
Grade 7 Asian Geography
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of South Korea?
  1. Pyeongchang
  2. Siem Reap
  3. Hanoi
  4. Seoul
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of Israel?
  1. Beirut
  2. Tel Aviv
  3. Damascus
  4. Jerusalem
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of Japan?
  1. Kyoto
  2. Tokyo
  3. Bangkok
  4. Singapore
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of Afghanistan?
  1. Kabul
  2. Dhaka
  3. Jakarta
  4. Kandahar
Grade 7 Asian Geography
Manila is the capital of what island nation?
  1. Bahrain
  2. Malaysia
  3. Singapore
  4. Philippines
Grade 7 Asian Geography
Baku is the capital of what country?
  1. Mongolia
  2. Azerbaijan
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Bangladesh
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of Bhutan?
  1. Bishkek
  2. Thimphu
  3. Nay Pyi Taw
  4. Bandar Seri Begawan
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of Nepal?
  1. Lhasa
  2. Muscat
  3. Riyadh
  4. Kathmandu
Grade 7 Asian Geography
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of Mongolia?
  1. Nay Pyi Taw
  2. Ulaanbaatar
  3. Bayankhongor
  4. Ouagadougou
Grade 7 Asian Geography
Grade 7 Asian Geography
What is the capital of India?
  1. Delhi
  2. Astana
  3. Hyderabad
  4. New Delhi
Grade 7 Asian Geography
Grade 7 Asian Geography
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