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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) World Religions Questions

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Grade 6 World Religions
Siddhartha Guatama was the founder of which religion?
  1. Christianity
  2. Judasim
  3. Islam
  4. Buddhism
Grade 6 World Religions
Mohammed was born in which city?
  1. Petra
  2. Mecca
  3. Medina
  4. Jerusalem
Grade 6 Hinduism
Grade 6 Christianity
Which religion is based on the teachings of Jesus?
  1. Hinduism
  2. Sikhism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Christianity
Grade 6 Judaism
Which religion has a large following in Israel?
  1. Judaism
  2. Sikhism
  3. Christianity
  4. Hinduism
Grade 6 Islam
Like Judaism, Islam is a                 religion.
  1. Polytheistic
  2. Monotheistic
  3. Atheistic
  4. All of these
Grade 6 Islam
Which one of the following is a Pillar of Islam?
  1. Eating during Ramadan
  2. Praying at least once a day
  3. Never taking a hajj to Mecca
  4. Saying there is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet
Grade 6 World Religions
Grade 6 Islam
This is NOT a Pillar of Islam.
  1. Praying five times a day
  2. Fasting during Ramadan
  3. Saving money for nice things
  4. Making a trip to Mecca
Grade 6 Buddhism
Grade 6 World Religions
Grade 6 World Religions
The worship of many gods and goddesses is called:
  1. Weird
  2. Polytheism
  3. Heateanism
  4. Monotheism
Grade 6 World Religions
The belief in one god
  1. Polytheism
  2. Monotheism
  3. Idolotry
  4. Christianity
Grade 6 World Religions
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