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Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function Questions

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Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
All of these are phases of mitosis EXCEPT                .
  1. Anaphase
  2. Telophase
  3. Prophase
  4. Interphase
  5. Metaphase
  6. Cytokinesis
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
In which phase of the cell cycle does the cell perform its everyday functions?
  1. Mitotic Stage
  2. Metaphase
  3. Interphase
  4. Telophase
  5. Cytokinesis
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
The process of apoptosis is essential to the cell's ability to quality control and prevent cancerous mutations. What does apoptosis mean?
  1. programmed cell death.
  2. careful division of the cytoplasm.
  3. spindle fibers connected to kinetochores.
  4. organelle duplication during G1 stage.
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
The characteristics of cancer cells include all of the following except                          .
  1. Undergo apoptosis
  2. Abnormal nuclei
  3. No contact inhibition
  4. Disoranized, multilayered
  5. Often metastisize
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
Females produce                  called egg cells.
  1. Game Boy
  2. Children
  3. Gametes
  4. Protozoa
  5. All of the above
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
Continuing Education Cell Structure and Function
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