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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Collecting and Interpreting Data Questions

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Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 8.SP.A.4
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Correlation means
  1. events are related.
  2. one event causes another one.
  3. the events are unrelated.
  4. none of the above.
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Causation means
  1. events are related.
  2. one event causes another one.
  3. the events are unrelated.
  4. none of the above.
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 8.SP.A.4
Out of 1,000 plants, some were given a new fertilizer and the rest were given no fertilizer. Some of the plants lived and some of them died, as shown below.
Lived - 200 had fertilizer, 600 had no fertilizer
Died - 50 had fertilizer, 150 had no fertilizer
Which of the following statements is supported by the data?
  1. Fertilized plants died at a higher rate than unfertilized plants did.
  2. Fertilized plants and unfertilized plants died at the same rate.
  3. Fertilized plants died at a lower rate than unfertilized plants died.
  4. None of the above statements can be supported by the data.
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Typically air temperature increases through the day between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. This is an example of which type of association?
  1. constant association
  2. positive linear association
  3. negative linear association
  4. no association
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Jesse grew 1.5 cm this year while Shaniqua grew 2.5 cm. This is an example of
  1. correlation.
  2. causation.
  3. unrelated events.
  4. a and b.
Grade 8 Collecting and Interpreting Data
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