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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Collecting and Interpreting Data Questions

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Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
What is a statistical question that could be asked about the information below?

Trail Length
  1. What is the length of the longest trail?
  2. In what state is the shortest trail?
  3. Who uses the trails?
  4. How are the trails used?
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
Which of the following questions is not statistical?
  1. How old are the students in my classroom?
  2. What is the height of each person in my class?
  3. How old am I?
  4. How many letters are in the names of each person in my class?
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
Select each question that represents a statistical question.

Select ALL that apply.
  1. How many days are in the month of May?
  2. What grade did you earn on your math test?
  3. What time do sixth students arrive at school?
  4. What percentage of students play an instrument?
  5. What was the average math test grade for the class?
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
The length of each movie in a DVD collection is recorded. Which is not a statistical question for the situation?
  1. What is the length of the shortest movie?
  2. What is the length of the longest movie?
  3. What movie is more than 2 hours long?
  4. What actors star in the longest movie?
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
In order to determine what type of pizza 6th graders in Coffee Count Middle School prefer, John Doe is conducting a survey of 6th graders at his school. He has given a survey to all of his friends who happen to be in his homeroom. Why might the results of John Doe's survey be biased?
  1. He didn't expand his results to include all grades at his school.
  2. He only gave the survey to his friends, not a random sample of 6th graders.
  3. He only asked about two different kinds of pizza.
  4. He didn't survey students from 8th grade.
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
Which question is a statistical question?
  1. How tall is the oak tree?
  2. How much did the tree grow in one year?
  3. What are the heights of the oak trees in the schoolyard?
  4. What is the difference in height between the oak tree and the pine tree?
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
The number of points a basketball player scored each game for one week is recorded. Which is not a statistical question for the situation?
  1. What is the greatest number of points the basketball player scored?
  2. What is the least number of points the basketball player scored?
  3. How many points did the basketball player score in the first game of the week?
  4. How many total points did the basketball player score during the week?
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.1
Lesa and Michael are working on survey projects for their company. Both have decided to survey people on whether they prefer to listen to country music or pop music. Lesa collected surveys from 600 people by asking for participants at a busy mall. Michael collected 50 surveys from people exiting a country music store. Who is more likely to have a biased sample?
  1. Lesa is more likely to have a biased sample.
  2. Michael is more likely to have a biased sample.
  3. Both Lesa and Michael are likely to have biased samples.
  4. Not enough information provided to determine who would be more likely to have a biased sample.
Grade 6 Collecting and Interpreting Data CCSS: 6.SP.A.2
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