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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Early National Era Questions

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Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
What man believed strongly that America should have a national bank?
  1. Thomas Jefferson
  2. Alexander Hamilton
  3. Roger Sherman
  4. James Madison
Grade 6 Early National Era
How did the Embargo Act affect the United States?
  1. The American economy boomed
  2. Prices increased and wages dropped
  3. There was no apparent change.
  4. The Act strengthened public confidence in government.
Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
Grade 6 Early National Era
Aaron Burr died in what year?
  1. 1818
  2. 1824
  3. 1836
  4. 1849
Grade 6 Early National Era
Who was the ex-slave that founded the abolitionist newspaper the "North Star"?
  1. Sojourner Truth
  2. Nat Turner
  3. Harriet Tubman
  4. Frederick Douglass
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