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Education Theory Questions - All Grades

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College Education Theory
Students who learn best through verbal presentations, reading writing, discussions, conducting interviews, and listening to lectures have a strong:
  1. bodily/kinesthetic intelligence
  2. intrapersonal intelligene
  3. visual/spatial intelligence
  4. verbal/linguistic intelligence
Continuing Education Education Theory
What does Direct Instruction focus on?
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Math
  4. All of the above
College Education Theory
Continuing Education Education Theory
College Education Theory
What is the difference between critical thinking and creative thinking?
  1. There isn't much of a difference; They're basically the same.
  2. Creative thinking is a necessary part of making decisions and critical thinking is not.
  3. Critical thinking is a necessary part of solving problems and other important tasks but creative is not.
  4. Critical thinking is logical, analytical, self-reflective, conscious and creative thinking has some of the same qualities of critical but also inventive and original.
Continuing Education Education Theory
Grade 9 Education Theory
Graduate Education Theory
None Education Theory
Even the most highly intelligent educator will be ineffective if
  1. visual aids are organized
  2. the room facilitates the number of students
  3. lesson plans are properly written
  4. knowledge cannot be communicated to learners
College Education Theory
The work of Madeline Hunter is an example of
  1. a direct instruction program
  2. a peer tutoring program
  3. cooperative learning
  4. classroom management
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