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Executive Branch Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Executive Branch
The president's power comes from which document?
  1. Constitution
  2. Bill of Rights
  3. Articles of Confederation
  4. Declaration of Independence
Grade 3 Executive Branch
Grade 3 Executive Branch
Grade 3 Executive Branch
Which armed force fights at sea?
  1. Navy
  2. Army
  3. Air Force
Grade 6 Executive Branch
If no candidate receives the majority of the Electoral College votes, who decides who becomes president?
  1. the Senate
  2. the Secretary of State
  3. the House of Representatives
  4. governors from all of the states
Grade 4 Executive Branch
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Grade 8 Executive Branch
Grade 5 Executive Branch
Grade 8 Executive Branch
What is the newest federal department to be added to the cabinet?
  1. Defense
  2. Commerce
  3. Transportation
  4. Homeland Security
Grade 8 Executive Branch
Which department was reorganized in 1971 and is no longer a part of the cabinet?
  1. Interior
  2. Treasury
  3. Post Office
  4. Housing and Urban Development
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