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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Executive Branch Questions

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Grade 6 Executive Branch
If no candidate receives the majority of the Electoral College votes, who decides who becomes president?
  1. the Senate
  2. the Secretary of State
  3. the House of Representatives
  4. governors from all of the states
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Though not a state, which of the following does have electors?
  1. Guam
  2. Puerto Rico
  3. American Samoa
  4. District of Columbia
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?
  1. Congress
  2. President
  3. Supreme Court
Grade 6 Executive Branch
The Executive Branch is headed by the?
  1. President of the United States
  2. Congress
  3. Supreme Court
  4. Capitol Hil
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Which was the first state to hold a primary?
  1. Iowa
  2. Maine
  3. Florida
  4. New Hampshire
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Grade 6 Executive Branch
What is the job of the executive branch of the U.S. Government?
  1. veto laws
  2. create laws
  3. veto laws and ensure existing laws are carried out
  4. law enforcement
Grade 6 Executive Branch
Which state has the first primary in the presidential election cycle?
  1. Ohio
  2. California
  3. North Carolina
  4. New Hampshire
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