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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Executive Branch Questions

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Grade 9 Executive Branch
If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
  1. Vice President
  2. Attorney General
  3. Secretary of State
  4. Speaker of the House
Grade 9 Executive Branch
What is the executive branch's job?
  1. to break laws
  2. to enforce laws
  3. to make laws
  4. to execute laws
Grade 9 Executive Branch
What is a bureaucracy?
  1. rights of citizens
  2. collecting taxes
  3. federal jobs
  4. administrative system that divides work into categories to be done by specific departments
Grade 9 Executive Branch
What is amnesty?
  1. government's general pardon given to people who have broken the law
  2. federal crimes
  3. trade barriers
  4. courts
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