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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Fantasy Questions

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Grade 6 Greyling
Which one of these events best describes the climax of this story?
  1. The fisherman finds a seal.
  2. Greyling dives into the ocean to save his father.
  3. The fisherman's wife said, "You call this nothing?"
  4. Greyling comes home to tell his parents tales.
Grade 6 Greyling
The setting at the exposition of the story is                             .
  1. a great storm
  2. the great grey cliffs
  3. a village by the sea
  4. the sea where Greyling lives
Grade 6 Twilight
Who is considered the ugly one of the family?
  1. Carlisle Cullen
  2. Esme Cullen
  3. Jasper Cullen
  4. Alice Cullen
  5. Rosalie Cullen
  6. Emmett Cullen
  7. Bella Cullen
  8. Edward Cullen
Grade 6 Greyling
Which quote from the story best defines the term "selchie"?
  1. "It's nothing but a seal pup."
  2. "We shall call him Greyling."
  3. "You have no father and you have no mother."
  4. "They are men upon the land and seals in the sea."
Grade 6 Percy Jackson
Percy goes to the private school:
  1. Yarmouth
  2. Yale Academy
  3. New York Academy
  4. Yancy Academy
Grade 6 Percy Jackson
Which God represents Percy?
  1. Poisidon
  2. The Furries
  3. The Fates
  4. Perseus
Grade 6 Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Where was Soren born?
  1. Shadow forest
  2. Tyto forest
  3. Great Ga'Hoole tree
  4. Rio
Grade 6 Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Who do Soren and Gylfie meet from escaping the orphanage?
  1. Digger and Twilight
  2. Annie and Skipper
  3. Bob and Dean
  4. Carol and Zach
Grade 6 Guardians of Ga'Hoole
What is Grimble going to do to Soren and Gylfie?
  1. Teach them how to fly
  2. Lock them up
  3. Kill them
  4. Talk with them
Grade 6 Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Where did Soren get captured from?
  1. his nest
  2. on a house
  3. from an orphanage
  4. in the desert
Grade 6 Guardians of Ga'Hoole
What does Finney like to be called?
  1. Feather
  2. Wing
  3. Grandma
  4. Aunty
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