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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Movies Questions

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Grade 6 Movies
Where do Joy and Sadness get stuck?
  1. The Memory Dump
  2. Long Term Memory
  3. Abstract Thought
  4. Headquarters
Grade 6 Movies
What is Riley's favorite thing to do?
  1. Hang out with her friends
  2. Play on her laptop
  3. Play hockey
  4. Go to school
Grade 6 Movies
When Bing Bong cries what does he cry?
  1. tears
  2. green paint
  3. candy
  4. the colors of the rainbow
Grade 6 Movies
Joy wants every day to be what kind of day?
  1. A good day
  2. A sad day
  3. A mad day
  4. a frightening day
Grade 6 Movies
When Anger gets mad what comes out of his head?
  1. rain
  2. lightning bolts
  3. blue paint
  4. fire
Grade 6 Movies
What color is Fear?
  1. blue
  2. purple
  3. green
  4. yellow
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