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Movies Questions - All Grades

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Grade 11 The Last Samurai (Movie) CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.11-12.4
Grade 10 Gladiator (Movie)
Grade 10 Gladiator (Movie)
When does the movie Gladiator take place?
  1. Around 180 A.D.
  2. Around 180 B.C.
  3. Around 1500
  4. Around 2000
Grade 11 The Last Samurai (Movie)
When does The Last Samurai take place?
  1. Early 1700s
  2. Late 1800s
  3. Late 1900s
  4. Early 1000s
Grade 10 Gladiator (Movie)
What is the Emperor's name?
  1. Claudius Romanos
  2. Caesar Augustus
  3. Marcus Aurelius
  4. Proximo
Grade 10 Gladiator (Movie) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.3
How is Lucilla related to Commodus?
  1. She is his mother.
  2. She is his sister.
  3. She is his wife.
  4. She is his girlfriend.
Grade 10 Gladiator (Movie)
Grade 10 Gladiator (Movie)
What rank does Maximus have?
  1. General
  2. Centurion
  3. Citizen
  4. Emperor
Grade 11 The Last Samurai (Movie) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.11-12.3
Grade 11 The Last Samurai (Movie)
What technique does Algren become proficient in?
  1. Sword fighting
  2. Karate
  3. Ninja skills
  4. Marksmanship
Grade 11 The Last Samurai (Movie) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.11-12.3
Grade 11 Amistad (Movie)
When does Amistad take place?
  1. In the 1830s
  2. In the 1520s
  3. In the 1930s
  4. In the 1960s
Grade 11 Amistad (Movie)
Who is the main character in Amistad?
  1. Cinque
  2. Martin van Buren
  3. John Quincy Adams
  4. Theodore Joadson
Grade 11 Amistad (Movie) CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RL.11-12.4
What does the color white symbolize?
  1. Slavery
  2. Hope
  3. Victory
  4. Royalty
Grade 11 The Last Samurai (Movie)
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