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Children's Literature Questions - All Grades

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Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Why are Charlie's grandparents' stories important?
  1. They are true.
  2. They make the room happy.
  3. They cause the grandparents to feel young.
  4. They help Charlie to get into the chocolate factory.
Grade 5 The BFG
What does the BFG stand for?
  1. Big Fat Giant
  2. Big Fierce Giant
  3. Big Friendly Giant
  4. Big Funny Giant
Grade 1 Children's Literature
Who is the main character?
  1. a peddler
  2. a magician
  3. a shop owner
Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
According to the ticket, what would happen after the tour?
  1. Charlie would stay at the factory.
  2. Charlie would receive a large check.
  3. A procession of trucks would follow Charlie home.
  4. A worker would come to Charlie's house to take him to the factory.
Grade 1 Flat Stanley
Stanley had an idea. What was his idea?
  1. He would become a policeman.
  2. He would pretend to be a painting.
  3. He would fill himself with air like a balloon.
Grade 1 Children's Literature
Who is the main character in the story?
  1. the little bunny
  2. the hen in the barn
  3. the reader of the story
  4. the little bunny's mother
Kindergarten The Little Red Hen
What did the little red hen do first?
  1. baked bread
  2. planted seeds
  3. cut the wheat
  4. carried the flour
Grade 3 Charlotte's Web
Who did Fern ride the Ferris Wheel with?
  1. Avery Arable
  2. Mr. Zuckerman
  3. Henry Fussy
  4. Lurvy
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
Who bought Wilbur from Fern?
  1. Mr. Zuckerman
  2. Charlotte
  3. Avery
  4. Mrs. Arable
Grade 4 Because of Winn-Dixie
What did Sweetie Pie Thomas ask Opal and Winn-Dixie to do?
  1. give her money
  2. come to her birthday party
  3. show her the way to the library
  4. let her teach Winn-Dixie a trick
Grade 1 Children's Literature
Piggie had an idea. What was Piggie's idea?
  1. to play tag
  2. to throw the snake
  3. to get a bigger ball
Grade 2 Charlotte's Web
What did Wilbur want to take back to the farm with him?
  1. his crate
  2. his medal
  3. Charlotte's web
  4. Charlotte's eggs
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
Kindergarten The Little Red Hen
What did the little red hen do last?
  1. baked the bread
  2. planted the seeds
  3. cut the wheat
  4. ate the bread
Grade 4 Charlotte's Web
How was Mr. Zuckerman related to Fern?
  1. He is her brother
  2. He is her uncle
  3. He is her grandfather
  4. He is her teacher
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