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The Giving Tree - Children's Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 1 The Giving Tree
Which is NOT something the little boy did on the tree?
  1. Played king of the forest
  2. Slept in her shade
  3. Made leaf crowns
  4. Sang her songs
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
The boy cut branches from the tree. He cut the branches to
  1. build a fire.
  2. build a house.
  3. make a statue.
  4. make a craft project.
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
The boy grew older. How did the tree feel?
  1. agnry
  2. happy
  3. lonely
  4. excited
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
How did the tree feel about the little boy?
  1. She hated him.
  2. She loved him.
  3. She thought he was boring.
  4. She thought he was annoying.
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
The tree gave the boy apples. She gave them to the boy
  1. to eat.
  2. to sell.
  3. to throw.
  4. to make juice.
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
The boy cut down the tree's trunk. He used it to
  1. build a fire.
  2. build a boat.
  3. build a house.
  4. build a tree fort.
Grade 1 The Giving Tree
The boy used the tree's stump to
  1. carve.
  2. stand on.
  3. hold his TV.
  4. sit and rest.
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