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Sugar Plum Ballerinas - Children's Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
What is the main character's name?
  1. Sha'Bria' JaNelle Scott-Johnson
  2. Alexandrea Petrakova Johnson
  3. Ms. Coleman
  4. Mr. Caldwell
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
What is Alexandrea's favorite sport to watch?
  1. Basketball
  2. Hockey
  3. Tennis
  4. Speed Skating
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
What was the name of Alexandrea's ballet instructor?
  1. Ms. Stodola
  2. Ms. Ms. Arnold
  3. Ms. Terrell
  4. Ms. Debbe
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
What new city and state did Alexandrea move to with her mom?
  1. Atlanta, Georgia
  2. Boise, Idaho
  3. Harlem, New York
  4. St. Louis, Missouri
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
What was the name of Alexandrea's school?
  1. Keeven Elementary
  2. Nutcracker School of Ballet
  3. An Apple a Day Daycare
  4. Jamestown Elementary
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
What is the name of book?
  1. Sugar Plum Ballerinas
  2. The Cat in the Hat
  3. La Prima Ballerina
  4. Ballerinas 101
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
Alexandrea was chosen to be what main character in the school dance?
  1. the Sugar Plum Fairy
  2. the Prince
  3. the Nutcracker
  4. the Mouse King
Grade 3 Sugar Plum Ballerinas
How old is Alexandrea?
  1. Two
  2. Twelve
  3. Nine
  4. Seven
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