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Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing - Children's Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Who taught Peter to stand on his head?
  1. Fugde
  2. Grandma
  3. Mother
  4. Father
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
From whose point of view is the story written?
  1. Fudge
  2. Peter
  3. Dribble
  4. Henry Bevelheimer
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Who was supposed to watch Fudge at the park?
  1. Mrs. Hatcher
  2. Sheila
  3. Peter
  4. Jimmy
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
What bad thing happened to Jimmy Fargo?
  1. He rode his bike
  2. He ate lunch
  3. He played with Peter
  4. He got mugged
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Grade 4 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
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