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Global Issues Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Global Issues
The World Health Organization is part of what larger organization?
  1. The Red Cross
  2. The United Nations
  3. Doctors without Borders
  4. International Medical Corps
Grade 6 Global Issues
A monarchy is a good example of                .
  1. oligarchy
  2. autocracy
  3. socialism
  4. communism
Grade 8 Global Issues
Grade 11 Global Issues
Grade 6 Global Issues
What is the most widely spoken Romance language?
  1. French
  2. English
  3. Spanish
  4. German
Grade 6 Global Issues
Grade 6 Global Issues
What is the key feature of an oligarchy?
  1. social classes are inherited
  2. wealth is evenly distributed to all citizens
  3. religious institutions are in control of the state
  4. the state is controlled by a small group of wealthy individuals
Grade 10 Global Issues
Grade 11 Global Issues
Grade 6 Global Issues
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