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Asian History Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Dynastic China
Grade 6 Dynastic China
What are four great inventions from Ancient China?
  1. wheel, plow, gun powder, fireworks
  2. gun powder, compass, silk, shaduf
  3. canals, irrigation, kites, silk
  4. compass, kite, silk, fireworks
Grade 6 Dynastic China
The founder of the Qing dynasty was from which region?
  1. Hunan
  2. Sichuan
  3. Manchuria
  4. Guangdong
Grade 6 Dynastic China
Grade 8 Dynastic China
Grade 8 Other Asia
What was the name of the communist regime in Cambodia?
  1. The Viet Minh
  2. The Khmer Rouge
  3. Patriotic Renewal Party
  4. The Workers Revolutionary Party
Grade 8 Asian History
Who controlled the largest land empire in history?
  1. Ottomans
  2. Romans
  3. Mongols
  4. Magyars
Grade 10 Modern China
Tiananmen Square is located in which city?
  1. Xian
  2. Beijing
  3. Shanghi
  4. Chengdu
Grade 12 Asian History
The Armenian Genocide began during which war?
  1. World War I
  2. World War II
  3. Crimean War
  4. Greek War of Independence
Grade 10 Modern China
The protests in 1989 occurred after the death of which communist leader?
  1. Zhou Enlai
  2. Mao Zedong
  3. Hu Yaobang
  4. Deng Xiaoping
Grade 6 Dynastic China
Grade 10 Modern China
Grade 9 Other Asia
Which country controlled Korea during World War II?
  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. Russia
  4. The United States
Grade 6 Dynastic China
Grade 6 Dynastic China
The Silk Road was a trade route between                .
  1. Japan and China
  2. Europe and China
  3. Egypt and China
Grade 9 Modern China
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