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Line Plots Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Grade 6 Line Plots CCSS: 6.SP.B.4
Which set of data is shown by the line plot?
Line Plot 1
  1. [math]1,2,3,5,7,9[/math]
  2. [math]0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10[/math]
  3. [math]1,1,2,2,2,3,5,5,7,7,7,7,7,9,9[/math]
  4. [math]1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,7,7,9,9[/math]
Grade 6 Line Plots CCSS: 6.SP.B.5, 6.SP.B.5c
Which statement is true for the data shown on the line plots?
Line Plot A:Line Plot 1 Line Plot B:Line Plot 3
  1. Both line plots have the same mode.
  2. Both line plots have the same range.
  3. Both line plots have the same mean.
  4. Both line plots have the same median.
Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Which of the following best explains what the number of dots above the value of 5 means in the following dot plot?
Line Plot 1
  1. The frequency that the value 5 occurs in the data.
  2. The probability of the value of 5 occurring in the data.
  3. The odds of the value of 5 occurring in the data.
  4. That there is a 50% chance that you will get two values which are the same in this data set..
Grade 5 Line Plots CCSS: 5.MD.B.2

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Grade 6 Line Plots CCSS: 6.SP.B.4
Which set of data is shown by the line plot?
Line Plot 4
  1. [math]9,7,9,3,10,6,2,9,8,0,7,9, 0,2,8[/math]
  2. [math]8,4,10,7,1,9,0,5,7,2,0,9,6,8,9,[/math]
  3. [math]0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10[/math]
  4. [math]8,2,0,9,7,3,6,10[/math]
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