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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Line Plots Questions

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Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Which of the following best explains what the number of dots above the value of 5 means in the following dot plot?
Line Plot 1
  1. The frequency that the value 5 occurs in the data.
  2. The probability of the value of 5 occurring in the data.
  3. The odds of the value of 5 occurring in the data.
  4. That there is a 50% chance that you will get two values which are the same in this data set..
Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Unless otherwise stated, how many pieces of data does each dot represent in a dot plot?
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 10
  4. It depends on where on the dot plot it is placed.
Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1
Which of the following statements is most true for a dot plot?
  1. They are typically used for showing the different percentiles of a data set.
  2. They can be used to easily read all measures of central tendency.
  3. They usually are best suited to small sets of data.
  4. They are a great way to summarize the data, without having to show every data point.
Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1, HSS-ID.A.3

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Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1

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Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1

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Grade 9 Line Plots CCSS: HSS-ID.A.1, HSS-ID.A.2

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