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Michigan Questions - All Grades

You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Michigan questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.

Grade 3 Michigan
What is the capital of Michigan?
  1. Lansing
  2. Lake
  3. Detroit
  4. Michigan
Grade 4 Michigan
What is the state flower of Michigan?
  1. cherry blossom
  2. marigold
  3. lily
  4. apple blossom
Grade 4 Michigan
What is the state bird of Michigan?
  1. Robin
  2. Crow
  3. Bald Eagle
  4. Oriole
Grade 4 Michigan
Where is the highest point of elevation in Michigan?
  1. Mount Washington
  2. Lake St. Clair
  3. Mount Arvon
  4. Mount McKinley
Grade 4 Michigan
Grade 3 Michigan
What is Michigan's bird?
  1. robin
  2. sparrow
  3. bird
  4. flamingo
Grade 3 Michigan
What do we have in common with our Mound Builder ancestors?
  1. We both hunt with spears
  2. We both live in the land now known as Michigan
  3. We both make our own tools
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