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Nebraska Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state dance of Nebraska?
  1. Hip Hop
  2. Square Dance
  3. Box Dance
  4. Macarena
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state insect of Nebraska?
  1. Caterpillar
  2. Dragon Fly
  3. Honeybee
  4. Praying Mantis
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state flower of Nebraska?
  1. Daisy
  2. Goldenrod
  3. Sunflower
  4. Tulip
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state grass of Nebraska?
  1. Golden Meadow
  2. Kentucky Blue
  3. Big Bluestem
  4. Little Bluestem
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state beverage of Nebraska?
  1. Milk
  2. Kool-Aid
  3. Water
  4. Coca Cola
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state mammal of Nebraska?
  1. White-tailed Deer
  2. Ground Squirrel
  3. Prairie Dog
  4. Racoon
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state gem stone?
  1. Prairie Agate
  2. Brown Agate
  3. Purple Agate
  4. Meadow Agate
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state tree of Nebraska?
  1. Red Cedar
  2. Cottonwood
  3. Maple
  4. Dogwood
Grade 4 Nebraska
What is the state bird of Nebraska?
  1. Meadowlark
  2. Bluejay
  3. Robin
  4. Crow
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