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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Places around Town Questions

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Grade 4 Places around Town

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On most days of the week, what time does the store open?
  1. 8 a.m.
  2. 9 a.m.
  3. 10 a.m.
  4. 11 a.m.
Grade 4 Places around Town

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Marcus needs to buy a pair of soccer cleats. However, when his dad took him to the store last night at 8 p.m., he discovered that the store was closed. What night is the store open late so Marcus can buy his soccer cleats?
  1. Monday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Friday
  4. Sunday
Grade 4 Places around Town

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On which days of the week does the store have identical hours? (Select all that apply)
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday
Grade 4 Places around Town

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On which days of the week does the store open after 10 a.m.? (Select all that apply)
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday
Grade 4 Places around Town

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Which statement about the store's hours on Wednesday is true?
  1. The store closes an hour earlier than Tuesday.
  2. The store is open for eight hours during the day.
  3. The store opens earlier than it does on Saturday.
  4. The store is open when most people are still asleep.
Grade 4 Places around Town

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On Monday, what time does the store close?
  1. 5 p.m.
  2. 6 p.m.
  3. 7 p.m.
  4. 8 p.m.
Grade 4 Places around Town

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If you prefer to shop early in the morning, what day should you visit the store?
  1. Tuesday
  2. Thursday
  3. Saturday
  4. Sunday
Grade 4 Places around Town

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Which day of the week has the shortest hours?
  1. Tuesday
  2. Thursday
  3. Saturday
  4. Sunday
Grade 4 Places around Town

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Which day of the week does the store have the longest hours?
  1. Monday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Friday
  4. Saturday
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