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Third Grade (Grade 3) Properties of Matter Questions

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Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Two properties of matter are volume and                .
  1. property
  2. mass
  3. matter
  4. electricity
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
All gases have mass.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Properties are
  1. any characteristics of matter that you can observe.
  2. the steps of the scientific process.
  3. when you make predictions.
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is not an example of a physical change?
  1. burning
  2. cutting
  3. freezing
  4. bending
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
An object changes states from a liquid to a solid. It changes after the temperature gets colder. What is this called?
  1. a gas
  2. a solid
  3. melting
  4. freezing
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is a solid?
  1. steam
  2. ice
  3. sea water
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is a liquid?
  1. Milk
  2. Book
  3. Steam
  4. Pencil
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
A state of matter that can spread out to fill the whole space
  1. liquid
  2. gas
  3. solid
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
You can change a solid into a liquid by melting it.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Volume is the amount of                 that matter takes up.
  1. gases
  2. space
  3. liquid
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Size and color are examples of                .
  1. volume
  2. properties
  3. matter
  4. mass
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
                is a measure of how hot or cold something is.
  1. Temperature
  2. Volume
  3. State of matter
  4. Mass
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Mrs. Wong leaves her bowl of ice cream on the sidewalk during a hot summer day. Which is the best prediction of what will happen to the ice cream?
  1. The ice cream will change from a solid to a liquid.
  2. The ice cream will change from a liquid to a gas.
  3. The ice cream will change from a gas to a liquid.
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
A mirror is a                .
  1. gas
  2. solid
  3. liquid
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
A liquid can take the shape of anything.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following defines matter?
  1. anything without mass
  2. anything with mass and takes up space
  3. anything with mass, but doesn't take up space
  4. anything without mass and doesn't take up space
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is a gas?
  1. oxygen in air
  2. lemon juice
  3. glass
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Matter that keeps its shape and size
  1. Freeze
  2. Matter
  3. Melt
  4. Solid
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Gases have no mass.
  1. True
  2. False
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