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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Properties of Matter Questions

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Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Angel's favorite bike begins to rust. The rust is an example of which of the following?
  1. Physical change
  2. Exothermic reaction
  3. Endothermic reaction
  4. Chemical change
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Given the mass and density of an object, which equation should be used to calculate the volume of the object?
  1. [math]"volume"=("mass")/("density")[/math]
  2. [math]"volume" = ("density")/("mass")[/math]
  3. [math]"volume"="mass" + "density"[/math]
  4. [math]"volume"="density" xx "mass"[/math]
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Jackie gets a hair cut. The haircut is a(n)                     .
  1. chemical change
  2. endothermic reaction
  3. physical change
  4. exothermic reaction
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
A geologist finds a rock and breaks it into two pieces to examine the crystals inside. The two pieces of the rock are then labeled Sample A and Sample B. Sample A is twice as large as Sample B. Which of the following statements is true?
  1. Sample A is denser than Sample B.
  2. Sample B is denser than Sample A.
  3. Sample A and Sample B have the same density.
  4. Sample A and Sample B are both less dense than the original rock.
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
Grade 8 Properties of Matter
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