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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Scientific Methods and Applications Questions

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Grade 8 Scientific Method
The last step in the scientific method is                          .
  1. constructing a hypothesis
  2. doing background research
  3. communicating results
  4. asking a question
Grade 8 Scientific Method
Grade 8 Scientific Method
The independent variable
  1. is something that is changed.
  2. is the group that is not tested.
  3. depends on the dependent variable.
  4. is an educated guess.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
The independent variable
  1. depends on the dependent variable.
  2. has nothing to do with the experiment.
  3. is the variable that is tested in an experiment.
  4. both a and c
Grade 8 Scientific Method
The independent variable
  1. stays the same.
  2. is changed by the scientist.
  3. is the outcome of the test.
  4. is not part of an experiment.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
A conclusion at the end of a scientific investigation
  1. can be that your results either support or do not support your hypothesis.
  2. can be that your results have proven your hypothesis beyond any doubt.
  3. usually will not give you any guidance in deciding what to do next.
  4. is usually the final word on the subject until someone proves otherwise.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
What is a good example of a hypothesis?
  1. I can clean the window with water.
  2. If I clean the window with water, then the window will be clean.
  3. If I like water, then it should clean the window.
  4. Water is a glass cleaner.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
Grade 8 Scientific Method
In an experiment, a factor that can change is a(n)
  1. observation.
  2. variable.
  3. control.
  4. hypothesis.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
Why is Newton's law of gravitational force called a scientific law?
  1. It is a rule that describes a pattern in nature.
  2. It is a logical explanation of an observation.
  3. It is a statement of what will happen next.
  4. It is an inference based on tested hypotheses.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
In an experiment, the one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is a
  1. controlled variable.
  2. data point.
  3. manipulated variable.
  4. responding variable.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
Grade 8 Scientific Method
Why is communication an important part of the scientific process?
  1. It ensures that nobody makes mistakes.
  2. It helps science progress more quickly.
  3. It limits the flow of secret information.
  4. It means results do not need to be confirmed.
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