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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Scientific Methods and Applications Questions

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Grade 12 Lab Practices and Tools
What do safety goggles protect?
  1. neck
  2. eyes
  3. forehead
  4. mouth and nose
Grade 12 Scientific Method
What type of study involves no researcher intervention?
  1. experimental study
  2. non-involvement study
  3. observational study
  4. quasi-experimental study
Grade 12 Lab Practices and Tools
What microscope part magnifies the specimen?
  1. ocular lens
  2. body tube
  3. arm
  4. base
  5. illuminator
  6. stage
  7. turret
  8. aperture
Grade 12 Lab Practices and Tools
What is the main purpose of a microscope's illuminator?
  1. holds the eyepiece
  2. makes the microscope easy to carry
  3. provides stability to the microscope
  4. magnifies the sample
  5. controls the amount of light reaching the specimen
  6. provides a steady source of light
  7. allows light to be transmitted to the slide
  8. provides a precise and clear image of the sample
Grade 12 Scientific Method
What does a scientist do to an observational study to make it an experiment?
  1. add subjects
  2. identify a variable
  3. randomly assign groups
  4. impose a treatment
Grade 12 Lab Practices and Tools
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