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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Physics Questions

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Grade 12 Forces and Motion

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Weight is a measure of                                                   .
  1. your mass
  2. the gravitational attraction between you and Earth
  3. mechanical equilibrium
  4. all of these
  5. none of these
Grade 12 Physics
When lifting an object vertically, the work done is stored as which form of energy?
  1. Kinetic Energy
  2. Thermal Energy
  3. Chemical Energy
  4. Gravitational Potential Energy
Grade 12 Physics
Grade 12 Waves and Sound
Grade 12 Physics
Grade 12 Physics
What kind of force does a gravitational field exert on an object placed within it?
  1. Electromagnetic force
  2. Frictional force
  3. Gravitational force
  4. Normal force
Grade 12 Physics
Which of the following is NOT a direct effect of gravitational fields on objects?
  1. Acceleration towards the source mass
  2. Tidal forces causing deformation
  3. Polarization of neutral objects
  4. Orbital motion around massive bodies
Grade 12 Physics
In which scenario is gravitational lensing observed?
  1. When light is absorbed by black holes
  2. When gravitational waves stretch spacetime
  3. When objects are accelerated in a particle accelerator
  4. When light passes near massive objects and is bent
Grade 12 Physics
Which of the following is an effect of gravitational fields on objects in space?
  1. They create a uniform field that does not vary with distance.
  2. They cause tidal forces that can stretch and deform other objects.
  3. They prevent the acceleration of objects toward the source of gravity.
  4. They create magnetic fields that influence other particles.
Grade 12 Physics
What is the phenomenon called when massive objects create ripples in spacetime?
  1. Electromagnetic waves
  2. Gravitational waves
  3. Quantum fluctuations
  4. Sound waves
Grade 12 Physics
How do electromagnetic waves transmit energy across space?
  1. Through oscillations of electric and magnetic fields.
  2. By creating a static electric field that interacts with magnetic fields.
  3. Through direct contact between charged particles.
  4. By emitting thermal radiation from charged objects.
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