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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Chemistry Questions

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Grade 12 Acids and Bases
Grade 12 Macromolecules
Are enzymes reusable?
  1. yes
  2. no
  3. sometimes
Grade 12 Thermodynamics
According to second law of thermodynamics, heat energy cannot be completely converted into useful work owing to                                       .
  1. the entropy of the system
  2. the enthalpy of the system
  3. the internal energy of the system
  4. the translational energy of the system
Grade 12 Macromolecules
What property makes phospholipids the ideal organic molecule to make up the cell membrane?
  1. Phospholipids dissolve easily in water, so materials can pass through them without the need for energy.
  2. Phospholipids contain many mitochondria, so the cell membrane has all the energy it needs to undergo mitosis.
  3. Phospholipids maintain their shape all the time, so organisms made from these cells can grow very large.
  4. Phospholipids have hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends, so cells can live in an aqueous environment and still carry out all their functions.
Grade 12 Macromolecules
The function of lipids is
  1. building cell membranes.
  2. long-term energy storage.
  3. insulation.
  4. all of the above
Grade 12 Matter
Which type of energy is released when an ionic solid is dissolved in water?
  1. Hydration energy
  2. Solvation energy
  3. Lattice energy
  4. Crystal energy
Grade 12 Biochemical Pathways
Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of
  1. ants.
  2. plants.
  3. grasshoppers.
  4. chickens.
Grade 12 Acids and Bases
Which of the following helps to neutralize acids and bases?
  1. buffers
  2. viscous membranes
  3. selectively permeable membranes
  4. citric acids
Grade 12 Macromolecules
Enzymes and some hormones are examples of
  1. proteins.
  2. carbohydrates.
  3. lipids.
  4. nucleic acids.
Grade 12 Macromolecules
How are enzymes denatured?
  1. water
  2. pH
  3. temperature
  4. temperature and pH
Grade 12 Macromolecules
All are properties of water except
  1. adhesion.
  2. cohesion.
  3. heat capacity.
  4. enzyme ability.
Grade 12 Biochemical Pathways
Energy is released from ATP when                             .
  1. a phosphate group is added
  2. amino acids bond to proteins
  3. a phosphate group is removed
  4. it is heated by the Sun
Grade 12 Macromolecules
Carbohydrates include
  1. fructose.
  2. starch.
  3. polysaccharides.
  4. all of the above
Grade 12 Biochemical Pathways
Grade 12 Periodic Table and Elements

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In the Modern Periodic Table, the elements are arranged in order of                         .
  1. increasing mass
  2. increasing atomic volume
  3. increasing atomic number
  4. the alphabet
Grade 12 Biochemical Pathways
How do enzymes make reactions go faster?
  1. They lower activation energy.
  2. They raise the activation energy.
  3. They supply extra reactants.
  4. They limit the amount of products in the reaction.
Grade 12 Reactions
Grade 12 Macromolecules
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